After years of searching for her life’s passion, overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges, Joppa landed in the Cordon Blu School of Culinary Arts in Chicago’s Inglewood neighborhood.
Only five years ago, not knowing how to make ends meet, during the pandemic in need of support, Joppa moved to Des Moines, IA seeking a break. What she found was opportunity. Joppa dedicated every second to building the Joppa Experience. On June 26, 2021, in Merle Hey Mall, the Joppa Experience opened its doors to over 300 guests. A mix of soul, Chicago style and Caribbean, Joppa gave the people of Iowa a taste of cuisine never seen or experienced before. In less than a year, the Joppa Experience has had thousands of people travel from across the globe flock to a small mall in the middle of the country. From humble beginnings on the south side of Chicago, Joppa specializes in oxtails, greens, yams, macaroni and cheese and authentic Chicago style food.
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