Your Information

We are collecting this info in case we need to get in touch with you about your submission. If you are submitting this form for a student, please put your name and email address here.

Your Culinary Hero

Category (Select One)

What has your African American culinary hero contributed to food and drink?

Upload a photo or drawing of your African American culinary hero or something that best represents them (such as a place, an ingredient, or a piece of kitchen equipment).

uploadUpload Image
Terms and Conditions

By clicking submit, you give MOFAD permission to publish and share your story online, in the exhibition, and on social media. MOFAD reserves the right to not publish your story or to remove it from the website and the exhibition at any time without notice. Approved stories will not be visible immediately online or in the exhibition. Submissions may take up to three weeks to be approved. Accept Terms of Use.





po box 380857
brooklyn, ny 11238
